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Mattress Solutions
Corrections / Jail Mattresses
Derby Industries correctional products have contributed to the health, comfort and safety of tens of thousands of inmates. We focus solely on items that provide problem solving applications for our customers. Our goods are designed to save you money over time. Derby uses only the highest quality components and state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques to produce outstanding products.
You can be assured that when you purchase a product from Derby Industries, you are buying the best. The quality standards that we set consistently provide unparalleled goods that are manufactured in the United States, at our South Bend, Indiana plant.
The Derby standard mattress was created to solve real every day problems in the correctional setting. View Video ![](../../../ecommerce/images/dynamic/image/web-clip-icon-w.jpg)
Derby recommends SEG-MAX™ for "That Guy". It seems as though every facility has a story about the person who tears up any mattress he or she is issued. Here is a cost effective way to combat those behaviors.